Oreo Cookies are Cheap Selling Drugs

Let me tell you a small prank which i had read recently on some funny website that has something related with Oreo. "One of the two friends who were living in the house had a habit of eating Oreo cookies on regular basis and he never allowed the other guy to touch his cookies.Every night the guy used to empty an entire packet of cookie.On an unusual...
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Do you know Grapes can Cause Fire?

I knew this is going to be a shocking news when you come to know the answer if grapes could cause fire? Yes, they cause fire when put into micro wave ovens.Ever tried it? After numerous experiments it has been proved by scientists that grapes when kept in ovens for some time would react with the rays and causes fire (Plasma kind of). If you...
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Chewing Gum Prevents You From Getting Tears While Chopping Onions

First the fact why we cry during chopping an onion is that onion while being cut creates a gas which when reacted with water will convert the water into acid.As you have water in your eyes , these water turns into acid and produces irritation to your eyes.Thus tears are produced because of acid secreted from your eyes. How to prevent it?...
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Does M.S.Dhoni Drinks 7 Glasses of Milk Before Batting ?

There is a rumor about the famous Indian cricket team captain M.S.Dhoni that he used to drink 7 Glasses of milk before he enters the cricket pitch.Is that true ?Can a man really drink 7 glasses of milk ?Let's see...
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Drinking Plenty of Water Can Keep you Younger ?

Water is the basic life element for every living being in this universe such as humans,animals,plants and zombies ( hehe ). If you aren't aware how water can help you let me list out few points below. Drinking water at proper time can keep your eyes shining. Lack of water causes eye dullness. Drinking water can help you to keep your lips beautiful....
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KFC Chickens are Not Chickens

Addicted to KFC products ? I have a shocking news for all KFC lovers.The chicken produced from KFC are not really a chicken.They are developed artificially and they are genetically grown.Do you know how these genetically developed chicken look like ...
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Are Kurkure Healthy or Made of Plastic ?

There was a photo spreading on every social networking websites stating that "Kurkure could catch up fire and burn like a plastic".Even though kurkure was not my favorite snack  i bagged up a kurkure packet along with my other stuffs from a supermarket.Out of my eagerness i took a piece of kurkure and  tried to light it up.I knew kurkure would catch up fire as it was made of oil but the way it burned put me into a shock...
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What Happens When you Swallow a BubbleGum ?

Once there was a photo being circulated on the social networks stating that a bird had died accidentally by swallowing a chewing gum,additionally it also quoted an awareness to the people to not throw or spit out bubblegum on the streets.We are already threatened by a myth that when people swallow bubblegum it would take around 7 years to digest it.So how far these myths are true ...
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