What Happens When you Swallow a BubbleGum ?

Once there was a photo being circulated on the social networks stating that a bird had died accidentally by swallowing a chewing gum,additionally it also quoted an awareness to the people to not throw or spit out bubblegum on the streets.We are already threatened by a myth that when people swallow bubblegum it would take around 7 years to digest it.So how far these myths are true ?

what happens when you swallow a bubblegum chewing gum

Let me talk about the first story that was circulated on the social networks.As far as i knew,birds are smart enough to differentiate between digestible and indigestible food item.Before swallowing a chewing gum a bird would surely try to pick it one or two times and it would identify that's not their cup of tea.But what about new born birds? They would try to swallow anything that could fit into its mouth.Swallowing a bubblegum would result for the birds to choke to death.There's not enough proofs to prove that the bird was really died by choking.So that's just a fake awareness.

What really happens when we human swallow a chewing gum ?

As soon as you put something inside your mouth your saliva tries to break them into pieces.Incase of bubblegum,breaking is not possible because they are made up of fat,wax and other gum mixtures.Whenever some eatable enters inside your stomach,contraction and expansion takes place which will try to crush the item.But incase of bubblegum when it enters into your stomach your digestion becomes slow as gum mixtures cannot be broken so soon.After hardly trying it to break,your digestive system will fails to break the gum.So what ? We have intestines which can carry over the left out substances.The bubblegum enters into the intestine and  finally ends up in lavatory on the next day.Once again that was just a myth that bubblegum would take upto 7 years to digest.
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