Oreo Cookies are Cheap Selling Drugs

Let me tell you a small prank which i had read recently on some funny website that has something related with Oreo.

"One of the two friends who were living in the house had a habit of eating Oreo cookies on regular basis and he never allowed the other guy to touch his cookies.Every night the guy used to empty an entire packet of cookie.On an unusual day the friend of this guy had found some cookies still remaining in the packet in the morning.So he had thought of making a prank with his friend.He had carefully removed the white cream inside the Oreo and replaced it with his white tooth paste.As soon as the guy woke up, he had searched for his left over cookies and began to chew them.When he came to knew that he was chewing a  paste instead of cream he started to shout at his friend and then the story ends this way."

Oreo cookies cheap selling drugs

People who are fond of Oreo cookies might have known how addictive they could be to Oreo and did you ever know why?

Oreo cookies can generate you a pleasure sense inside your neurons.Which is a typical kind of trick that a drug used to do to keep them addictive.Researcher Joseph Schroedr from Connecticut college has found that Oreo cookies taken by rats had the same impact on them which made a pleasure sense inside their brain.

People are getting addicted to Oreo because they are being sold cheap and they are a good replacement for costlier drugs.

I'm not insisting you to avoid Oreo but try not to get addicted towards Oreo.
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Do you know Grapes can Cause Fire?

I knew this is going to be a shocking news when you come to know the answer if grapes could cause fire? Yes, they cause fire when put into micro wave ovens.Ever tried it? After numerous experiments it has been proved by scientists that grapes when kept in ovens for some time would react with the rays and causes fire (Plasma kind of).

grapes can cause plasma fire when kept inside microwave oven

If you have a microwave oven @ your house then try it .It's very simple.Just cut the grapes on both the top and the bottom(Don't ask me which is top and bottom).

Now place it tilted inside the oven and start it.After few seconds you could see the fire from the grapes something similar to the image you see above. 
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